【問題】Financial independence, retire early?推薦回答

作者:Redling, Dylin,Allison, Tom

作者:Rieckens, Scott/ Mustache, Money (FRW)

What if a happier life was only a few simple choices away? A successful entrepreneur living in Southern California, Scott Rieckens had built a "dream life" a happy marriage, a two-year-old daughter...

作者:Desyllas, Jake

Forget searching for the right job-start building a life in which you don't need a job. A job-free life is possible, and you have options about how to achieve it. This book provides real-world exam...

作者:Falco, Graeme/ Yoannou, Matt (ILT)

It's no secret that wealth disparity is on the rise. Every year, the rich get richer and the middle class gets squeezed. In this day and age, young people can't afford to repeat the financial mista...

作者:Curelop, Craig

Fans of the Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) movement will love this simple real estate strategy. House hacking makes it easy to save more money, make more money, and accelerate your pat...


買對房子,買進千萬人生!   本書配合不同的需求情境,為讀者介紹公園宅、學區宅等各種需求樣態, 提供不同的思維,讓想擁有不動產的人「買對房子,買進千萬人生」!   後新冠時代,全球不論是在政治、經濟都有了全新的格局,每個家庭在新冠肺炎的影響下,不論生活習慣、對家的定義都有改變。   台灣房屋因應變局,持續以專業進化房仲升格的理念服務民眾,因此,本書由在台灣房屋服務將近30年,對市場、經濟長期...

作者:Thames, Elizabeth Willard

The deeply personal story of how award-winning personal finance blogger Elizabeth Willard Thames abandoned a successful career in the city and embraced frugality to create a more meaningful, purpos...


你活著不是為了工作,財務自由後,人生始得自由! 縱橫華爾街15年的第一名首席分析師楊應超, 首度分享高盛、花旗、巴克萊銀行的投資祕訣!   存到多少錢才能無憂退休?   別窮忙一輩子,理財的事一定要「早知道」,   錯過本書,你可能得多打拚20年才能退休,   現在開始行動,算出你的「自由數字」,一起在FIRE的山頂見面!     《機構投資者》、《金融時報》、《格林威治》、《亞元雜誌...


日日為五斗米折腰,何時才能財務自由、不被工作綁住? 多數人以為必須先存到千萬,才能退休, 但有一群人,有些甚至是低薪、負債、零存款、打零工…… 三、四十歲就能不為工作而活,擁有被動收入和時間,還在全球掀起一股風潮, 他們是──FIRE理財族!     ★ FIRE運動推手錢鬍子先生(Mr. Money Moustache)專文推薦   ★ 《財務自由,提早過你真正想過的生...

作者:Shen, Kristy,Leung, Bryce

From two leaders of the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement, a bold, contrarian guide to retiring at any age, with a reproducible formula to financial independenceA bull***t-free g...

